Here's a List of Texting Symbols to Convey More Than Just Words (2024)

Here's a List of Texting Symbols to Convey More Than Just Words (1)

Find meanings of the acronyms and short forms used while messaging from the following texting symbols list. This will help you enjoy texting and decipher the various symbols send to you through messages.

Many times we hear a new word and rush to refer a dictionary for its meaning. With new words added to the language every other day, its hard to keep a track of their meanings. Thus, a dictionary proves to be a life saver. With the form of communication changing every other day, we are becoming more and more addicted to texting.

This is a new form of communication that is also called a Short Text Messages (SMS). We need to use our mobile phone to send out instant messages to our friends. Along with texting, we are also addicted to online chats. So, if you are an avid texter or instant messaging user, you must have come across many texting abbreviations.

What’s more? You can even sent some symbols that symbolize a word. What do these abbreviations, acronyms and short forms stand for? Which dictionary should you refer to decipher the code behind these text message symbols? This is where we will come to your help. You can refer to the following texting symbols list as a dictionary to help solve your confusion behind the various acronyms and abbreviations.

List of Texting Symbols

There are many people who are new to texting and chatting online. These people find it very daunting when they receive a text message that contains smiley faces. They cannot decipher the meanings especially when one types in :^{ or :(#). It even becomes more embarrassing to ask for their meanings as it implies one is not up-to-date with the latest developments in technologically cool languages. One need not worry too much any more. This Techspirited article will cover some of the most commonly used symbols used for texting as well as chatting.

It is very easy to understand the texting symbols. When you are sent a message with the alphabet ‘Y’, it just stands for the word ‘why’. When someone messages ‘U8?’, they actually mean did you eat? The ‘U’ stands for you and ‘8’ stands for ate. If you get a symbol like :'( it just means the person is crying. The symbol <3 stands for heart. Vowels in the spellings are usually omitted as it helps in minimizing the number of key strokes. For example, ‘btwn’ stands for between and ‘hndsm’ stands for handsome.

This is how you need to uncover the meaning of the texting symbols or the emoticons as they are called that you receives. However, if you have any difficulty, you can refer to the following texting symbols list.

Texting SymbolMeaning
o:-)Angel smiley
(-.-) Zzzz . . .asleep
:-XBig Kiss
I – Obored/yawning
((((((((((O>>>>>>ocannon firing
*$gt;) / :O)clown
o-&->Doing nothing
:-)…..Drooling face
:*)Drunk smiling face
&:-)From a person with curly hair
#:-)From a person with matted hair
😀very happy, laughing
:-,Hmmmm…, smirking
:- Ihypnotized!
O-S->In a hurry
ITDin the dark
: ))laughing
<3Love Heart
:-Smakes no sense
O-Z->man running (whole body figure)
8->person in glasses grinning evilly
O-G->Pointing to self
: – \puzzled
@<–<–red rose
: – Osaying ‘Oh!’
: vshouting
(O->something fishy here
SITDstill in the dark
😎Sunglasses face
:-. ssshhhtalking very quietly
<[]Itelevision/video screen
((@))-((@))the Demon Headmaster
😛Tongue in cheek
: [unfriendly
: – (unhappy
: Cv. unhappy/incredulous
:-))Very Happy

Texting Symbols List for Facebook

Addicted to Facebook chat? Then make you chats interesting by using the following texting symbols for Facebook.

Texting SymbolMeaning
:putnam:Chris Putnam (Facebook Engineer)

Texting Symbols for Love

The following table contains some common texting symbols for love. Send these love codes to a special someone and send across your feelings to them quickly.

Symbol for FacebookMeaning
o:-)Angel smiley
:-XBig Kiss
:-)…..Drooling face
<3Love Heart
@>–>–red rose
:-))Very Happy
( ‘}{‘ )Boy and girl kissing
😉Cheeky wink
😡 or :o*Kiss
*^_^*Huge Wide Grin

Texting Abbreviation List

The following is a list of commonly used text message abbreviation list. Go through the list to find out what do the acronyms for certain words mean. You can read more on text message abbreviations.

Text AbbreviationMeaning
?4UQuestion for you
2bctndto be continued
2g4utoo good for you
2l8Too late
2WIMCtoo whom it may concern
4yeofor your eyes only
AAMas a matter of fact
AB!Ah Bless!
Adctd2uvaddicted to love
AFAIKas far as I know
AFKaway from keyboard
AMLall my love
AMOFAs a matter of fact
ASAPas soon as possible
ASFAICAs far as I am concerned
ASLage, sex, location
ATWat the weekend
AYDYAre you done yet
AYSAre you serious
B4NBye for now
BCNUBe Seeing You
BFFBest Friends Forever
BRBBe right back
BTWBy The Way
C&GChuckle and grin
Cmcall me
CUsee you
CULsee you later
DQMOTDon’t quote me on this
DUR?don’t you remember?
EODend of discussion
EOLend of lecture
F2Fface to face
F2Tfree to talk
FCfingers crossed
FYEOfor your eyes only
FYIfor your information
GGgood game
GMTAgreat minds think alike
GTGGot to go
GTSYgreat to see you
H&Khugs and kisses
HAGNhave a good night
HANDhave a nice day
ICI see
IDKI don’t know
ILYI love you
IMOin my opinion
J4Fjust for fun
J4Kjust for kisses
JKJust Kidding
KCkeep cool
KITkeep in touch
LOLLaugh Out Loud
LTGLike to go
LTKlike to come
LYLASLove you like a sister
A3Anytime anywhere anyplace
MGBmay God bless
MYOBmind your own business
NMHNot much here
NO1no one
NPNo Problem or Nosy Parents
NSANo strings attached
NVMNever mind
O4Uonly for you
OICOh I see
OMGOh my God
OXOXHugs and kisses
PCMplease call me
PLMKPlease let me know
POVPoint of view
RBTLRead between the lines
RMBring my bell
ROFLRolling on floor laughing
STATSyour sex and age
STBYSucks to be you
T+think positive
T2ultalk to you later
TMBText me back
TMIToo much information
TTYLTalk to you later
TYVMThank you very much
U4Eyours forever
UFBUnfreakingly believable
URHYou are hot
URTOyou are the one
W4Uwaiting for you
WAN2want to
WEGWicked Evil Grin
WRTwith respect to
WTGway to go
WUFwhere are you from
WWYCWrite when you can
WYWHWish you were here
Y2KYou are too kind
YBSyou will be sorry
YTYou there
ZZZZSleeping or bored

You can use the above texting symbols for iPhone as well. Hope, the above texting symbols list helps you to understand and send some cool abbreviations while texting and save your time when messaging.

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Here's a List of Texting Symbols to Convey More Than Just Words (2024)


What do two up arrows mean? ›

4. Upward Arrows. The image of two upward arrows above a box indicates, “This way up.” For the duration of shipping/delivery, the carton should face upright.

How do symbols convey messages? ›

Symbols—such as gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words—help people understand that world. They provide clues to understanding experiences by conveying recognizable meanings that are shared by societies. The world is filled with symbols. Sports uniforms, company logos, and traffic signs are symbols.

What does ))) mean in texting? ›

It's a smiley face, and the extra )'s means the smile is even bigger. The person sending you this probably trying to send you positivity and let you know they're being friendly. Or they're using the smiley sarcastically. It all depends on the context.

What are the special characters in text? ›

A special character is one that is not considered a number or letter. Symbols, accent marks, and punctuation marks are considered special characters. Similarly, ASCII control characters and formatting characters like paragraph marks are also special characters.

What are the symbols for sent messages? ›

: A blue circle with a check means that your message has been sent. : A filled-in blue circle with a check means that your message has been delivered.

What are some examples of symbolism in a text? ›

What are some examples of symbolism in literature? Black representing evil, water representing rebirth, and fall representing the passage of time are all some examples of symbolism in literature. They are used as a way of tapping into a reader's emotions and helping them view the bigger picture.

What are characters in a text message? ›

What counts as a character in a text message? Any standard letter, symbol or space counts as a single character.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.