OMG! 100+ Common Texting Abbreviations Decoded (2024)

If you've ever glanced at your teen's conversations over text or you've seen how they chat on social media, there's a good chance that there have been times when you've had no idea what they’re talking about. Social media acronyms and abbreviations can feel like another whole language.

But it's important to learn what some of that shorthand means. Monitoring your teen's online activity won't be helpful if you can't understand what your teen is saying. You might allow unhealthy conversations to take place right in front of you.

While you don't want to spy on your teen, it's important to stay up-to-date on your teen's social media and smartphone activity. Educate yourself about the most common social media acronyms and slang terms so you can be aware of the conversations your teen is having.

Common Social Media and Texting Acronyms

Social media and texting acronyms are most often harmless, but sometimes they can indicate red flags. Here are the most common social media acronyms teens are using to communicate with one another.

Commonly Harmless

143: I love you

2DAY: Today

4EAE: Forever and ever

AF: As f---

ADN: Any day now

AFAIK: As far as I know

AFK: Away from keyboard

ATM: At the moment

BFN: Bye for now

BOL: Be on later / Best of luck / Bust out laughing

BRB: Be right back

BTW: By the way

CTN: Can’t talk now

DM: Direct message

DWBH: Don’t worry, be happy

F2F or FTF: Face to face

FOMO: Fear of missing out

FWIW: For what it’s worth

GAL: Get a life

GB: Goodbye

GG: Good game

GLHF: Good luck, have fun

GTG: Got to go; good to go

H8: Hate

HAK: Hugs and kisses

HAND: Have a nice day

HMU: Hit me up

HTH: Hope this helps / Happy to help / How the h---

HW: Homework

ICYMI: In case you missed it

IDK: I don’t know

IIRC: If I remember correctly

IKR: I know, right?

ILY / ILU: I love you

IM: Instant message

IMHO: In my honest opinion / In my humble opinion

IMO: In my opinion

IRL: In real life

IU2U: It’s up to you

IYKWIM: If you know what I mean

JK: Just kidding

J4F: Just for fun

JIC: Just in case

JSYK: Just so you know

KFY: Kiss for you

L8: Late

LMAO: Laughing my a-- off

LMK: Let me know

LOL: Laugh out loud

LSR: Loser

MIRL: Meet in real life

MOS: Mom over shoulder

NAGI: Not a good idea

NM: Never mind / Not much

NMU: Not much, you?

NP: No problem

NTS: Note to self

OIC: Oh I see

OMFG: Oh my f------ god

OMG: Oh my god

ORLY: Oh, really?

OT: Off-topic

OTP: On the phone / One true pairing

P911: Parent alert

PAW: Parents are watching

PCM: Please call me

PIR: Parent in room

PLS or PLZ: Please

PPL: People

POS: Parents over shoulder / Piece of s---

PTB: Please text back

QQ: Crying (this abbreviation produces an emoticon in text; it’s often used sarcastically or as part of trash talk during video games)

RAK: Random act of kindness

RL: Real life

RN: Right now

ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing

RT: Retweet

RUOK: Are you okay?

SMH: Shaking my head

SOS: Someone over shoulder

SRSLY: Seriously

SSDD: Same stuff, different day

STFU: Shut the f--- up

SUS: Suspicious

SWAK: Sealed with a kiss

SWYP: So, what’s your point?

SYS: See you soon

TBC: To be continued

THX: Thanks

TIME: Tears in my eyes

TL;DR: Too long, didn’t read

TMI: Too much information

TMRW: Tomorrow

TTYL: Talk to you later

TY or TU: Thank you

VSF: Very sad face / very severely f------ (in big trouble)

WB: Welcome back

WTH: What the h---

WTF: What the f---

WTPA: Where’s the party at?

WYCM: Will you call me?

YGM: You get me (you understand me)

YOLO: You only live once

YW: You’re welcome

ZOMG: Oh my god (emphatic)

Potential Red Flags

ASL: Age/sex/location / "As h---"

FWB: Friends with benefits (friends who occasionally have casual sex)

FYEO or 4YEO: For your eyes only (may indicate explicit photos)

GYPO: Get your pants off

IWSN: I want sex now

KPC: Keeping parents clueless

LMIRL: Let’s meet in real life

NIFOC: Naked in front of computer

NSFW: Not safe for work

OC: Open crib (no parents will be home) / (may also stand for Original Character, a unique character in fan-art or fan fiction not found in the original property)

TDTM: Talk dirty to me

Distracted Driving

As people rely more heavily on their phones for everything from communication to directions, texting and driving has become an increasing problem. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 3,100 people died in 2020 as a result of distracted driving.

Texting while driving is the most alarming form of distracted driving. Texting can take your eyes away from the road for up to five seconds at a time. Driving at highway speeds, that’s the equivalent of driving an entire football field with your eyes closed.

When setting rules around phone usage while driving, be sure to lead by example, and don’t use your phone while you’re driving. Explain to your teen their responsibility to keep themselves and others safe while driving. Even if they manage to avoid the worst consequences of irresponsible driving, like serious injury or death, remind them that you or the state may suspend or delay their ability to receive a license if they text and drive. You can even have every driver in your family sign a commitment not to text and drive.

Sleep Habits

Smartphone usage may contribute to a teen’s inability to fall asleep or stay asleep at night. The blue light from smartphones may be partly to blame. Nighttime exposure to any light inhibits melatonin production and messes with the body’s circadian rhythm, but blue light impacts this most powerfully.

To encourage better sleep hygiene, limit phone use and bright screens beginning two to three hours before bed and ask them to use an app that will help them reduce their screen time.

Establishing Rules for Teen Cell Phone Use


Cyberbullying is the intentional mistreatment of others through technology, like computers, tablets, and cell phones, and it is surprisingly common. Twenty-eight percent of students between the ages of 10 and 18 have reported being cyberbullied in their lifetime.

Signs that your child may be experiencing cyberbullying:

  • They become upset after using their phone
  • They withdraw from family and friends
  • They avoid activities that they used to enjoy
  • Their grades drop
  • They refuse to go to school
  • They exhibit signs of depression

If you suspect that your child is being cyberbullied, offer support. Listen to them and let them know you are there for them. Ask questions and find out what happened. If you feel that evidence is important, document the incident(s) by printing screenshots.

Work with your child to determine how they want to proceed with reporting the incident to their school or the police. Their school likely has a cyberbullying policy that may have been violated. If cyberbullying involved criminal behavior—hate-based attacks or stalking, for instance—you may wish to contact the police.

Steer your child to new friend groups that are healthier and more supportive. If your child continues to struggle with the fallout, they may also benefit from professional counseling.

What Is Cyberbullying?


Sexting involves sending explicit photos, videos, or messages via text, social media, or another digital platform. Sexting holds many risks for teens, including the fact that a once very private message can quickly become public and viral. Sexting can also result in cyberbullying.

Talk to your child about sexting. Ask them if they know what it is and what they think about it. It can be awkward to talk to teens about this kind of thing, but if you take a low-key, informative approach, your teen may be more open to listening and sharing. Sharing a news story that illustrates the possible consequences of sexting can be a non-threatening way to bring up the topic.

Why Sexting Is a Problem for Teens

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do teens text?

According to the Pew Research Center, 95% of teens have access to a cell phone or smartphone. The average teen sends and receives 30 text messages every day.

Does text messaging affect teen literacy?

According to research, texting does not seem to have a significant impact (negative or positive) on literacy in adolescents. The type of reading typically done during text messaging is too different from traditional reading to change overall literacy levels.

A Word From Verywell

Setting healthy limits on social media and texting can help your teen have a balanced relationship with their phone. Screen time limits reduce distractions, promote healthy sleep, and encourage teens to engage in physical and social activities outside of their phone.

Talk to your teen and encourage them to set limits on screen time. Discuss the risks of cyberbullying and sexting and ask your child how you can support them. Engaging in these topics can sometimes be a little rocky, but with a low-key approach, your teen may be more receptive than you think.

OMG! 100+ Common Texting Abbreviations Decoded (2024)


What is the slang abbreviation of OMG? ›

abbreviation for Oh my God: used when someone is surprised or excited about something: And then, omg, I saw Johnny Depp in Starbucks!

What is the most used acronym in texting? ›

The most common texting abbreviations
  • LOL: Laugh out loud.
  • BRB: Be right back.
  • OMG: Oh my God.
  • ASAP: As soon as possible.
  • BTW: By the way.
  • IDK: I don't know.
  • TTYL: Talk to you later.
  • LMK: Let me know.
Mar 29, 2023

What is the short code for I Love You? ›

Well, the number 143 is the code for saying "I love you". The number 14344 is a numeronym representing the number of letters in each word of the phrase "I love you very much." "I love you very much" is also abbreviated as ILYVM. There are several other numbers in cyber terms that are used to express love.

What is the short form for I love you? ›

"ILY" stands for "I love you." The text slang is used in a more informal way than the full phrase. You can use "ily" while messaging friends, family or other loved ones, such as a significant other. You can also choose to modify the abbreviation.

What could OMG stand for? ›

ˌō-ˌem-ˈjē variants or omg. oh my God. used (as in email or text messages) to indicate that something is considered surprising, shocking, thrilling, etc. Their harmless [email] chatter ("OMG!

What does the OMG XD mean? ›

XD means the same thing as LOL (Laugh Out Loud), and is used to share or respond to something funny. The emoticon resembles a laughing face that's spun 90 degrees to the left, similar to 😆 (grinning squinting face emoji).

What does 831 u mean? ›

The number 831 is a cyber term used to mean “I Love You.”

What is 1432 in text? ›

1432 Meaning: The Secret Code for Saying “I Love You Too”😙

How do you say "I love you secretly"? ›

How to tell someone you love them without saying, “I love you”
  1. My life is enriched by your presence in it.
  2. I'm significantly better off for having met you.
  3. You make me want to be better than I am.
  4. I'd be sad if you weren't around.
  5. You're important to me, and I don't take knowing you for granted.
Aug 6, 2024

What does lly mean in texting? ›

It means “I love you.” In addition there are different ways of saying “I love you” via text, chat, social media, etc.

What is short for love? ›

Luv is a written form of the word 'love', when it is being used as an informal way of addressing someone. [British] 'Don't worry, luv. '

What do FTW mean? ›

FTW is an abbreviation of the phrase for the win. For the win is a slang expression that enthusiastically conveys something is excellent or will succeed—it's awesome, the greatest, the best ever.

What does OMG mean in social media? ›

oh my God. (used to express surprise, excitement, etc., especially in text messages, on social media, etc.)

How do you say OMG in slang? ›

Synonyms for Omg
  1. wow. int.
  2. oh my. int.
  3. heavens. int.
  4. jeez. int.
  5. my goodness. int.
  6. gosh. int.
  7. incredible.
  8. oh man. int.

What does OMG mean urban? ›

This slang expression is a catch-all exclamation to use in response to anything that is thrilling or aggravating or unbelievable or disgusting. This initialism also covers the meaning Oh My Gosh. Examples of how your teen might use the slang term OMG : -We saw Neve Campbell filming on the Riverwalk! -omg no you didn't.

What is the other meaning of OMG? ›

Used to express surprise, shock, or amazement. oh my god. goodness gracious. goodness. goodness me.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.